Python 3.4 - Random Module

Remember that most of these modules come pre-installed with your Python software. It is a part of the standard library of modules and functions.

There are many different attributes to the random module that can work with list and generate generic data or pull from databases. 

import random

print(random.uniform(1, 200))  # this will give a random number between the two integers
print(random.randint(1, 6))  # this will return a whole integer
greetings = ['hello', 'piss off', 'sup bro']

name = ['Nick', 'Matt', 'Dustin', 'Andrew']

last_names = ['Fassnacht', 'Krieger', 'Williams', 'Heinrich']

state = ['Arizona', 'California', 'Utah', 'Oregon']


print(random.choices(greetings, k=5))  # this will give 5 random choices
print(random.choices(greetings, weights= [18, 18, 2], k=25))  # this will give 5 random choices
deck = list(range(1, 53))

print(random.sample(deck, len(deck)))

hand = random.sample(deck, k=5)


for num in range(100):
    greeting = random.choice(greetings)
    first = random.choice(name)
    last = random.choice(last_names)
    phone = f'{random.randint(100, 999)}-555-{random.randint(1000, 9999)}'    states = random.choice(state)
    email = first.lower() + last.lower() + ''
    print(f'{greeting} {first} {last}\n{phone}\n{states}\n{email}')


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