Python 3.4 - Bisect Module

The Bisect Module "provides support for maintaining a list in sorted order without having to sort the list after each insertion. For long lists of items with expensive comparison operations, this can be an improvement over the more common approach."

import bisect

mylist = [1,3,4,4,4,6,7]

print("the rightmost index is : ", end= "")
print(bisect.bisect(mylist, 4))

print("the rightmost index is : ", end= "")
print(bisect.bisect_left(mylist, 4))

mylist2 = [1,3,4,4,4,6,7]

bisect.insort(mylist2, 5, 0, 5)

print("the list is now:")

for i in range(0, 8):
    print(mylist2[i], end = "")


bisect.insort_left(mylist2, 2)

print("the list is now:")

for i in range(0, 9):
    print(mylist2[i], end = "")

 /Users/mattfassnacht/PycharmProjects/untitled6/venv/bin/python /Users/mattfassnacht/PycharmProjects/untitled6/
the rightmost index is : 5
the rightmost index is : 2
the list is now:
the list is now:
Process finished with exit code


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