Python 3.4 - Lists

Lists can store data in different orders and can be used to draw upon data or be used for other purposes.

>>>list_name = [1,1,3,8]

The positions are 0,1,2,3

You can access items in a list:



You can replace players

>>>list_name[2] = 4



You can add new items (i.e. +[3,4,5]) to the list but it won't change the list permanently. You can add on things though by .append

. means do this - append

you can remove and add new items (slice) by writing the list name then this [:2]. This will take the first two items in the list and stop at 2. You can do many things to the items once you have sliced them like: adding new items in their place, remove them []

You can print out any item in a list by just specifying the location in the list. You can also create functions that can drop certain items and complete math functions on the rest.

In the process of selecting items in a list you can also modify them (i.e. capitalizing them).


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