
Showing posts from March, 2018

Python 3.4 - If / Else Statement

Decisions, decisions. When someone clicks on something what does the program do? What if someone's age under for something? How do you get your program to make a decision and do something. The variable is Bronte and the program is checking to see what the variable is and deciding what to do if the variable is something.  I imagine for example a person choosing a username for a website and the program runs through it whole database of usernames quickly and if it matches with any of them it would print('choose another name, that one has already been taken'). If it isn't taken the else function would tell the program what do whatever else the case (i.e. print('username accepted, lucky') name = 'Bronte' if name is 'Matt' : print ( 'You da best' ) elif name is 'Melanie' : print ( "I'm the best" ) else : print ( "meow" ) /Users/mattfassnacht/PycharmProjects/untitled10/venv/bin/python /Users/m...

XHTML / CSS Tutorial - Background Images

 To put an image in the background of your webpage you need to include the background-image attribute to your body CSS code. It would look like this: background-image: img:url(source); Now by default the image will repeat, you can change this attribute by including the CSS attribute background-repeat and indicting no-repeat. Other changes to the background image attributes can be repeat-x which would repeat the background image along the x-axis. or y-axis, or position.

XHTML / CSS Tutorial - Text-align and Changing Background Color

To change how your font is aligned you can use the text-align: CSS attribute. To indent your paragraph you can use the text-indent: CSS attribute.  To change the color of the entire website you can use the body tag and the color CSS attribute.

XHTML / CSS Tutorial - Font-Weight & Font-Style

 To change how thick your font is you can use the font-weight: CSS attribute.  To change how your font looks is you can use the font-style: CSS attribute.

XHTML / CSS Tutorial - RGB Color and Line Spacing

You can change the color of your elements by using the CSS attribute (color:) but you can use RGB colors to customize any color you want. To change the spacing between elements in a paragraph you can add the CSS attribute (line-height:) to space them as you wish.


CSS is the coding used to add style to all of the elements on your page. It means cascading style sheet. The <style> tags are needed to make CSS code work. To change the style of a particular element you need to identify the element within the style tags with two braces. <style type=""> p { add attributes here;   } You can add many different attributes to modify the elements of your page.

XHTML / CSS Tutorial - Lists

You can make lists of information and they can take many forms. Some of the forms can be an ordered or unordered list. <ul>, <ol>. You will have list items (li) in your list of course.

XHTML / CSS Tutorial - Table Width, Cellpadding, and Cellspacing

You can change an attributes size by using the attribute width or height. You can specify the amount of pixels or the percentage of the page. (i.e. width="15px", width ="50%") You can change the space between the elements in a table by changing their padding: cellpadding="". You can change the space between the cells of a table by changing the spacing: cellspacing="".

XHTML / CSS - Colspan

 Sometimes you don't want to have your title just go above or in line with the rows, you may want a header for the whole table. In this case use the colspan attribute.

XHTML / CSS Tutorial - Table Header

 If you want to make a table header than you will need to add the <th></th> attributes. This will create a table header that will be bold and centered above your table.

XHTML / CSS Tutorial - Tables

A table element is created with the table tag <>table></table>. To create a table row you'll need the table row attribute <tr></tr>. To put info into your table row you'll need the table data attribute <td></td>. You can add different attributes for your table. <table (attribute name) ="". For example, <table border="1px">

XHTML / CSS - Resizing Images

If you want to resize there are many ways to do it. One way is to add a height attribute to the img. height="".

XHTML / CSS - Adding Images to the Webpage

Make sure your images that you are using are stroed in your html files or linked to somewhere online. The tag for an image is img src= "" it is a single tag. You can add a link to an image just like text. a href= "">

XHTML / CSS - Email Links and Tool Tips

 If you want to link to an email you will need to make an href="". Another attribute you can add to a link or any element in a page is "title". This will allow the user to hover over the elements to see what it does or what you want them to know. title="awesome".

XHTML / CSS - Creating a Link Within a Webpage

You may want to link to certain sections within your webpage. You will need to make a name for the heading you are trying to link to ( Then when you create a link and want to link it to the section you want link to the name. (i.e. a href="#here")

XHTML / CSS - Adding Links to a Webpage

To link something in you need the tags. If you want to make your link work you'll need an added attribute (i.e. href (hyperlink reference) ="". If you want to link to a second page in your website you can link to the html document in your files.

XHTML / CSS - Bold, Italics, and Comments

horizontal rule (line) - bold - strong italicize - em commenting out something -

XHTML / CSS - Paragraphs and Line Breaks

You'll need to use the paragraph tag to separate text. br / is the tag is you just want to do a normal next line type thing.

XHTML / CSS - Body and Headers

Head is all the info that helps locate the website, title the site, contains all the style elements (CSS). Body is all the stuff that is actually on or linked to the site (images, text, links) You body will contain headers tables, buttons, maps, images, and host of other elements

Python 3.4 - Lists

Lists can store data in different orders and can be used to draw upon data or be used for other purposes. >>>list_name = [1,1,3,8] The positions are 0,1,2,3 You can access items in a list: >>>list_name[2] 3 You can replace players >>>list_name[2] = 4 >>>List_name  [1,1,4,8] You can add new items (i.e. +[3,4,5]) to the list but it won't change the list permanently. You can add on things though by .append . means do this - append you can remove and add new items (slice) by writing the list name then this [:2]. This will take the first two items in the list and stop at 2. You can do many things to the items once you have sliced them like: adding new items in their place, remove them [] You can print out any item in a list by just specifying the location in the list. You can also create functions that can drop certain items and complete math functions on the rest. http...

Project 3/12/18 - Arranging Elements in Boxes

So to continue with the work that I was doing with the elements in the box, I want to arrange them as in the order in the photo. I also want to link to all of the elements on the page for future use. I also would like create functions dropdown menus for the sort by and time/ distance, etc. I also want to create flags images for the search box and for the map, incorporating some javascript. Eventually I want to be able to drage the flags from map to the box above, creating shortcuts and customization to the website, if a user tries to do this without being signed in it will prompt the sign-up box, etc. (Some of the features of site will require login but some won't obviously.

Project 3/5/2018 - Putting Elements in a Box.

What I want to do is this: I can move it over and get it all aligned later. Update: So I was able to create a css property for everything in the div. This allowed me to move it and add padding and margins to the element. I also added a responsive-element to the map so that the two elements jive together.

Javascript - Installing Text Editors

Text Editors: Windows, etc - Notepad++ Mac - Visual Studio Code

Python 3.4 - Numbers

 Oh no, numbers!!! + add - subtract * multiply / divide Don't forget your order of operations (i.e. 3 + 2 * 8 = 19, not 40.) Parentheses take precedence! (i.e. (3 + 2) * 8 = 40, not 19.) // drop the remainder % give me the remainder only ** to the power of 3 (i.e. 5 * 5* 5 = 125 is the same as 5 **3) **variables can be turned into numbers and vice versa (i.e. bacon = 5, therefore bacon + 5 = 10)*** num = 3 print ( type (num)) num2 = 2.3 print ( type (num2)) num3 = 3 + 2 print (num3) print ( 3 * 3 ) print ( 3 / 2 ) # drops the remainder print ( 3 // 2 ) print ( 3 ** 2 ) # this is equal to 3 x 3 or 3^2 print ( 3 ** 3 ) # this is 3^3 or 3 x 3 x 3 print ( 2 % 2 ) # this is giving the remainder, which would be zero for x in range ( 10 ): if x % 2 == 0 : print (x , 'these numbers have a remainder of 0 when divided by 2' ) else : print (x , 'these do not.' ) # order of operations hold true in python print ( 3 * 2 -...