Conversations Ongoing: Postmodern Writing Considerations.... more to come.

Postmodern literature actively subverts the expectations of these unities. Include several plots jostling for supremacy. Include a wide variety of settings, some of which can be totally implausible. Jump around in time.

Postmodern themes.

A sense of destabilization and the loss of core certainties which accompanies major transformations in society.
Play with world events of the twentieth century: Especially events that reaffirm progress, modernism.
Gender issues
Identity issues
Gay Culture
No hierarchy of texts
The west
The nature of reality
Practical Realism
Truth Seeking

Use a variety of postmodern techniques

Break down the fourth wall – Allow your story to accept that it is meta fictional ?. Make it self- aware. It is fiction, and it knows it. Not truth seeking.

Pastiche? Imitating anothers style. For instance. The films of Quentin Tarantino are often described as pastiches, as they often pay tribute to or imitate pulp novels Chinese films or other genres.

Parody – A work created to mock, comment on, or poke fun at an original work, its subject, author, by means of humorous or satirical imitation.

Bricologe-- ? The construction or creation of a work from a diverse range of things which happen to be available, including literary and non-literary texts.

Fragmentation—the combination of a variety of images and metaphors which seem to have no connection.

Playfulness- think of ways in which Calvino ? plays with your expectations as a reader. He is playful. Be playful in your own writing.


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