Conversations Ongoing: Gold Found in Colorado!

The discoveries of gold along the Eastern Rockies had four major impacts that would reshape the United States. Earlier settlement was sporadic and temporary at best. If someone settled it usually was a singular act and one that didn't have tremendous impact on surrounding vegetation or peoples; and it certainly didn't have any impact back east. However, when verified gold deposits were found it didn't take long to get the attention of others abroad. Those discoveries had four major consequences.


No one was going anywhere. If I put an advertisement on craigslist for free gold, found in my backyard, not only would I have half of San Diego at my house, but they wouldn't be leaving any time soon, especially if it was true. No, once gold was found whites weren't going anywhere. The belief in riches, especially during an economic downturn, ensured that whites were here to stay.


With confirmed white settlement the nature of the operations and activities were going to be much different than simple panning for gold. The need for heavy machinery and supporting shops and road side ranches were inevitable. Most of these things would be furnished from the east and freighted across the plains.


With white settlement came the need for urban centers. People were no longer going to be able to camp out in the wilderness. With vivacious activity came the need for urban centers to house, feed, and furnish miners and others. Some of Colorado's earliest cities were born out of this need.


As one might guess, the impact of white settlement, in turn, affected the people to the east. Many more people, goods, money, and animals would move across the plains. In fact, the nature of the plains itself would change as well. It would no longer be seen as a road to a far off wilderness, but rather a central figure between two economic entities. Soon it would play a far greater role.

Americans belief in gold would change the face of the plains and the western countryside. As well as our view of ourselves and others.


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