Conversations Ongoing: The Beauty of Our Government: Reaction and Transition


The one aspect of our Government is that it serves as a reactive body that listens to the people, in theory. Sometimes this has failed to occur. Sometimes it can't happen quick enough. But this safety valve on the pulse of America will kick into effect when the people decide it is time for something new. Barack Obama is sure to point this out in the first couple seconds of his acceptance speech here:


A related aspect of this reaction is the transition of our leadership to a new President in these times of change. It is often overlooked and under appreciated, but we must realize the civility and peaceful nature of our government, in relation to the changing of the guard. This video illustrates this point perfectly:

Our Government may not be perfect. It may not be responsive enough for some. It may, even, be too responsive to others. But one thing is for sure, our Government is the best that this world has to offer. And we should appreciate it for it successes when they happen.


Jonathan said…
Not sure I agree this is the best government in the world. I guess it would depend on your paradigm of evaluation: equity? responsiveness? liberty? effectiveness?
I do think--as a liberal--that our government's traditions are the most to be admired, as the first attempt, however imperfect, at a truly democratica and egalitarian regime.

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