
Showing posts from July, 2015

Conversations Ongoing: Gatsby- Writing Style and Content

I would like to highlight two observations from my early reading of Great Gatsby. One, in terms of writing style, I notice that Fitzgerald uses descriptive writing to set the mood, tone, and further action. If the curtains are flowing as Tom and Daisy enter the room and stop flowing when they close the door, they comment on it. This is done in such a fluid way that one doesn't skip a beat with the action. (I would say it is also a nice way to tell a story.) Second, in terms of content, the book starts of with the admission and advice from Nicks's father that: "a sense of fundamental decencies is parceled out unequally at birth." This can be taken two ways as I see it. One, some people are bad, some are good. This interpretation simply states a fact without any cause or reason. For most, this satisfies them.  I like this second definition and interpretation, though both are related. In the second interpretation, it lends to the idea that the reason some peopl